The Air Kiss - an alien culture!

Air kissing is the pretence of kissing accompanied by the "mwah" sound. This form of greeting involves entering another person's personal space by placing your lips a couple of inches north of their ear while lightly pretending to touch their cheek to yours.

In India, social kissing was restricted to the Page 3 regulars. However, in the past few years, globalisation has pushed the Indian executive to interact with Americans, Russians, Europeans, Mexicans and Arabs in various    socio-business settings. This has led to confusion! I have received several queries about this alien concept:  

·         Should we start with the right cheek or the left cheek?
·         How many times should we air kiss - once or twice?
·         I am uncomfortable air-kissing - is there a way to avoid it?

Interestingly, air kissing is cultural! Although not a part of our culture, it's a single kiss on the right cheek in the United States and varies in Continental Europe - three kisses in Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland; two kisses in France, Italy, Spain and Portugal. In UK and Germany, it's reserved for people one knows socially and is not extended to business situations. Some cultures go beyond the air kiss - Russians may follow it up with a light back-slap, Arabs reserve it for members of the same gender and finish off the greeting with a half-hug.

If you feel uncomfortable air-kissing your business contacts, anticipate it and put your right hand out for a firm handshake.
Wishing you and your loved ones a super 2015!
Warm regards
Shital Kakkar Mehra

Business  Etiquette:  A  guide  for  the  Indian Professional"  authored by Shital Kakkar Mehra has  sold  over 20, 000 copies  and  has  been declared  a  'Top  10  Business  Best-seller'  by Business Standard.
