Twitter Etiquette

Twitter has emerged as the social networking and microblogging tool of choice. Used for communicating a thought, adding an insightful comment or giving your perspective, it’s emerged as a popular tool for broadcasters and responders alike. While rules sound too formal on an informal and interactive forum like Twitter, certain guidelines will help you maintain a balanced profile.

· Choice of Subject: It’s important to understand that this communication tool is not about “you”, rather it’s about interacting with others. If you would not say it in real life, don’t tweet about it in the virtual world either. Twitter is not a forum to argue, debate or pick fights with people you find offensive or rude - simply unfollow them.

· Following people: Follow people who share a common interest with you and don’t feel obliged to follow people who are following you. Using this tactic will ensure that your homepage is not flooded with comments about topics which do not interest you. Sending automated messages welcoming your followers is not needed in an open forum like Twitter.

· Unfollow: When you decide to unfollow a person, do so without any guilt pangs and if others do the same with you, don’t get offended. In Twitter, you can choose the topics which interest you for the next few days/ weeks and decide to follow people discussing them. If you are following a person whose excessive tweeting is getting your goat, simply click the unfollow button.

· How much should you disclose? As a professional employed with a firm, do ensure that your opinions expressed on Twitter are not those related to or conflicting with your employer’s. As an entrepreneur, you can share your website address and your views on Twitter. When tweeting, do remember that after a point, your audience will be unable to separate your professional life from your personal life.

· Choice of subject: Stick to general topics instead of tweeting personal musing e.g. “off work today enjoying cleaning cupboard” or “at spa, foot massage is divine”. Try to add value with your comments, instead of courting visibility or attention.

· Don’t spam/ promote products/services: While Twitter offers you a chance to connect with strangers/ wider audience, don’t misuse this tool by sending private messages to all your contacts. Sending surveys or links to your website will upset your followers, who will treat your tweets/ messages as spam, making you lose credibility. It’s the same rules as in real life - common sense and courtesy prevail. It would’ve helped Shashi Tharoor and Lalit Modi if they had adhered to Twitter guidelines before launching into a “tweet attack” and pulling each other down!
